There are 3 major oceans.

Osheanya (ocean/coastal regions).

Deep Kingdoms (underwater)

Note: this is due to the absence of Death. When certain elements decay, divine energy is converted into mana that can be stored. The two main drawbacks are that it must be stored safely, and certain elements must be used to create certain effects since the type of mana produced is different between them. (Elements discovered so far: Carbon for Primal magic, hydrogen for Arcane magic, oxygen for Yin and Yang, lead for Physical, gold for Diabolic magic)

Saboroh Mega-savannah

located on the largest continent of …

Emerald Canopy

(jungle, home to Cyclopes and Shifoats).

Shadowglen River Valley

(home to the Shifoats) located south of the emerald canopy jungle.

Sunscorched Mountain Range

(impassable barrier along equator) located on the isolated continent of … This continent is only reachable by sea travel.

The Spireplains

(home to kobolds and drifters, large stone spires poke out of ground) located on the largest continent of …

Acheron Desert

(uninhabited former home of Drifters) located on …